Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A New Adventure Awaits!


Dear Friends and Supporters,

In Acts 16:6-10, we are told that the Holy Spirit prevented Paul and Silas “from preaching the word in the province of Asia at that time.” That night, Paul had a vision of the Macedonian “pleading with him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us!’ So we decided to leave for Macedonia at once, having concluded that God was calling us to preach the Good News there.”

I, too, believe that the Holy Spirit has redirected my ministry from Zimbabwe to East Africa. And I am writing to tell you about these exciting changes and how you can partner with me to reach the children of Africa.

In September of 2011 before leaving for Africa I was able to attend a children's ministry training called KidZtitute with an organization called KidZ At Heart International. At KidZtitute I was better equipped to do children's ministry not only in the USA but cross-culturally also. I enjoyed this conference so much that in January of this year I joined a KidZ At Heart team in Kampala, Uganda to help lead a KidZ Ministry Equipping Conference. This is an intensive week-long conference where African children's ministry leaders and teachers are equipped to present God's word to children in effective, culturally relevant, age-appropriate ways. It was a wonderful and fruitful trip.

Now, I'm happy to say that KidZ At Heart would like me to be on their team full-time! I very much believe in what KidZ is doing throughout the world and I'm honored to be a part of it. KidZ At Heart International exists to equip people to reach and teach kids for Christ within their own culture. I will be a MobiliZer with KidZ At Heart while being based in Africa, mainly in Kampala, Uganda, and South Africa. A MobiliZer is the point person for successful launch of short-term teams for the purpose of equipping people within their own culture to teach kids for Christ. We have teams for 2013 going to countries such as Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon, Tanzania, Honduras, Philippines, Latvia, and the list goes on and on. I will also go on many of these short-term trips in Africa to help with training, help coordinate KidZ ministries in East Africa, conduct follow-up with churches throughout Africa as they implement KidZ training elements, coordinate with KAHLA (KidZ At Heart Leadership Academy) leadership team in Uganda, and be with the children as much as possible!

I believe this is an exciting opportunity for all of us in order to reach kids for Christ. The world's 2.2 billion children need to know, love, and follow Jesus. Will you be part of helping the 2.2?

Please pray. This is a major transition and will require many details and decisions about relocating to East Africa. Will you consider praying for me regularly if you are not already doing so?

Please give. I'm currently in need of more monthly support. Will you consider joining my monthly support team or increasing your monthly amount? Or perhaps you would like to give a one-time donation? While I transition back into Africa and into my role with KidZ At Heart, my donation system with World Outreach will stay the same (see details below).

Please go. Please consider joining one of KidZ At Heart’s short-term teams to any of the East African locations I will be MobiliZing. I’d love to have you with me in Africa!

For more information about KidZ At Heart check out our website at www.kidZatheart.org

Be very blessed!

To Donate Online:
http://www.worldoutreach.org/donations  Select my Name. The system can process USA & International cards. You can also set up automatic Monthly Gifts if you choose the "Monthly" option.

Or Mail Checks to:
World Outreach Ministries, P.O. Box B, Marietta, GA 30061 (Designate for Routzahn, Fund Code #91)