Monday, July 26, 2010

At the Coffee Shop, Yeah, the Coffee Shop, Yeah.....

This past Saturday night I held my first big fundraising event for Zimbabwe and it completely exceeded my expectations! God is so faithful! What a blast I had at "Stepping out to Zimbabwe Cafe Concert" at Viaggio Coffee. I would estimate that about 200 people came out to show their support and I know Viaggio's has never fit that many people into the shop, it was a sight to see for sure!! It looked like a block party :) My thanks and gratitude goes out to EVERYONE involved in making this event happen and making it such a success. It was a fun night full of many things that make me smile; Blameless, JP Fuller, MC Miss Mary P, DJ Red, Jill Dykstra Massage, Hilary Markel of Take Heart Jewelry (incredible African jewelry line!), Raffle & Silent Auction, trivia, free give-aways, coffee, the Viaggio staff, and Ps John Wyatt- AWWW YEAH! Everyone's kind words will stay with me forever.

Throughout the preparation process for this event (with many bumps along the way) God kept teaching me to be flexible, to let go, and to TRUST Him completely. I know that this event was also preparation for the many events I will plan in Africa for the children. I can see God working in everything. This Viaggio event happened because of GOD, it was so not me. It was HIM helping me along the way.

So what kind of support did I get from this event? Drumroll please.........

Over $2000 was raised towards my upfront expenses and I have now met goal for that. Wahoo!!! How crazy is that?! It can only be GOD when you raise close to $20,000 in just 4 months!! It blows my mind.

7 new monthly partners joined the team and MANY seeds were planted!! $115 in new monthly support came in and that brings me to $1370 monthly raised so far. That's 31 partners total on my monthly team. Keep it coming, the more on the team the better!!! I want everyone to share in this incredible ministry to the children of Zimbabwe. This isn't just about me.

My goal for monthly is at least $3000 due to the inflation in Zimbabwe. Will you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner? No amount is too small, it all adds up and will get me to goal. Just giving up Starbucks a few times or eating out once a month can help get me on African soil :) And think about the eternal impact!!

My goal to be in Zimbabwe full-time is beginning of 2011 so that means I need at least $1630 more in monthly support by then. $10, $15, $25, $50, or $100 a month will make all the difference or any amount in-between. If you think this is something you'd like to do I'd love to answer any questions you may have.
I'm going to continue to trust God as I've already seen so many blessings during this prep time. EVERY day is part of the journey, each step equally important. I can see God working, thank you Jesus!!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

God ALWAYS shows up

As I sit here and write this my joy is overflowing in God's goodness. True AWE is what I call it. During this season of preparation, God is continually stretching me and teaching me. I know that it's a crucial and important time and I will never take it forgranted, as hard as it sometimes may seem. Growing isn't always easy but it's necessary. What I am learning is that God ALWAYS shows up, and it's usually when we least expect it. HIS timing is always perfect.

God blessed me with a HUGE breakthrough in my support raising this past week. I'm still speechless when I think about it. I love how God interweaves our seasons of life to fulfill His purposes. He brings people into our lives for a reason. So you are probably asking, what was this big breakthrough? As I sat down to read my emails last week I received an email from some friends of mine from overseas. I had to do a double-take as I read the email. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was being blessed with a donation towards my WHOLE vehicle cost for Africa!!! How could this even be? It still blows my mind. And how do you even say thank you to something like that?? So many days I would find myself wondering how in the world all my up-front expenses would come in, see many days I wasn't putting God in the equation. God has been teaching me to trust more and to stop trying to figure it all out.

Some may ask why I need a vehicle in Africa and why is it so important. Having a good reliable vehicle in Zimbabwe is crucial to the children's ministry work I will be doing with Celebration Church. We have over 23 campuses throughout Zimbabwe, some are in cities, many are in rural villages many hours out from our main campuses in Bulawayo. The terrain I will travel will require a good vehicle to get me there, it will be one of my tools to spread the love of Christ to the children of Zimbabwe!!!! Now I will be able to get to wherever God needs me to be!

So where does that put me with my support raising? I'm now only about $3,000 away from my upfront expense goal and $2500 away from my monthly support goal. Building up my monthly support team is my focus at this time. I KNOW God will provide, He always does. Will you prayerfully consider partnering with me in this ministry to the children of Zimbabwe? I truly know that some are called to GO and some are called to SEND and both are equally important. Below is a breakdown on what can put me on African soil :) All monthly donations are through Celebration Church and can be set up as automatic withdrawal.

$10 monthly from 250 people
$25 monthly from 100 people
$50 monthly from 50 people
$100 monthly from just 25 people

If you haven't received a letter and pledge card from me yet just let me know and I'll get one to you with all the details :)

And for those of you in Jax, don't forget to save the date for July 24th 7-11 pm at Viaggio Coffee.
Come out and show your support at my first fundraising event for my ministry and help me step into my calling to Zimbabwe. MUSIC, SPOKEN WORD, JEWELY, MASSAGES, RAFFLE and SILENT AUCTION, COFFEE and much more!!

Thank you Jesus for your overflowing blessings! May it be all for your glory!!
